Monday, February 3, 2014

[REVIEW] INNER COURSE: My Journey Out of Cultism Into Freedom by Rebecca Joy

Rebecca Joy, emotional and broken female who was raised in a sex cult better known as The Family. She was teached to obey, if she did not do that she would be punished. She never liked that, she felt out of place but she had been told that bad things would happen if she left. At the age of 25 she ran away with her 5 year old little boy. She does not have money, she has nothing. Life is hard, but at least she is free now, or that was what she thought. All the damage was done, now it was time to heal. 
She wanted to escape because she did not like the way they treated her. She despise the way they used her body. She wanted to be loved, she craved to feel useful. She wanted the perfect man to cherish her...does fairy tales exist? I do not think so.
She was mistreated, underestimated, she thinks less of herself. The Family did a pretty good job to make her weak. She does not know what is love, in the cult they made sure not to show it. She was kind of naive in this topic.
In this book we will see her breaking point, there is a doctor that she loves, but then she is told that he uses her just for her body...why again? But this time everything was worse, she had fallen in love with him.
In this book we will have the opportunity to get to know Rebecca, we will get on Rebecca`s rollercoaster.
This books has a clear message, there is always hope, we do not have to give up. 
She is desperate and curious, so that is why she gets involved s into the world of hypnosis, finding clues from hidden, ancient mysteries on how to heal her heart and mind. 

Her story is one of inspiration to all people who have experienced hopelessness, rejection, and failure in life only to rise again. Her story has touched me, we need to fight for what we want, we need to love ourselves. And the most important thing is that we have to stand up or ourselves, if we are not doing it, who will? We do not have to think less of ourselves, and remind us everyday that we are not worthless. 

This is an amazing story of courage and determination by a person who is giving back what she has learned. The book is about learning to follow your intuition even when many people in your life are saying otherwise. It is about suffering, suffering to a point where change must happen.

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